Cooking Beet Greens

The other day my sister was in the fruit shop and they were talking about the beet leaves, I wonder if they were used and told that if and neither cuts nor lazy has prepared this recipe, which by the way was rich, rich, I looked on the Internet and I have taken note of some features of the beet leaves that happened to tell you :

Beet leaves

The best time for beet consumption: Available in February its best season is the months of March, April and May. The last two months are the sweetest and most tasty.
Beet leaves (neck) are an excellent source of vitamin A and the roots (beets) are a good source of vitamin C. The leaves are cooked and served fresh as vegetables, while the roots or heads can be canned in vinegar for salads or whole cooked, and then cut into slices or chunks.
The leaves, which are also edible, and although many people ignore it are a source of vitamin A and minerals such as iron and calcium.

They can be boiled in the same way as the Chard and replace it in various dishes. Like a beet leaf tortilla, for example. They have a taste quite similar to the chard or spinach (unfortunately people do not know they are edible and usually throw them) .... Now do not throw them you can use it in salad or as the tortilla that has prepared my sister, thanks Mari for the information and now I tell you how to prepare:

Leaves of three beets chopped and scalded
1 Leek in chunks
1/2 Onion
A piece of red pepper
4 eggs

Preparation: We go well and leave the beet leaves and scald a few minutes in boiling water

So they are once scalded or lightly boiled, we reserve them, We split the leek, onion and pepper and put it to Pochar.

When this poached, add the leaves we had reserved and mix well, sauteed all together for a while, Then in a fountain we the eggs and put the preparation of the frying pan and put together well, we throw it in the frying pan with a little oil and curd the tortilla. And ready, so it is and I assure you that this great and you have seen that has nothing to do and at the same time, takes advantage of something that before we, at least I, now take advantage, I have to try them in salad, I will tell you.

Now going to prepare carrot and beet macerated to use in salads, and I will show you when you prepare, while you are happy, you have a happy weekend (at least it seems that will do better time) and hope you liked our recipe,

Good profit!!!!!, Bon Appetit!

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