Salmon Pie Recipes

People who eat a diet low in saturated fat (butter, sausages, meats ...), we should be careful to consume other fats that are healthy and our body needs to synthesize and fix fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin D, tan Important in the fixation of calcium by the bones and in the general well-being of our musculature and our nervous and immune system.

This collection of healthy animal fat is mainly made from fatty fish: bonito, horse mackerel, mackerel, sardines.
For this reason and because we love, I am very fond of buying and consuming this type of fish.

The empanada that I show you today, made with fresh salmon, is a real treat: mild flavor, juicy (if properly prepared fish) and very, very healthy. Who is encouraged by it? I'm sure he'll repeat.

Salmon Pie Recipes

For about 4 servings

A batter (250g flour, shallow teaspoon of Royal yeast - 100ml milk, 100ml oil, salt) - a slice (about 350g) of fresh salmon - a large roasted red pepper (150g) Preserves) - a large onion (300g) - tomato sauce (125g) - oil - salt

Like most empanadas, it has three things: a dough, a vegetable fritter and salmon

If we want to make it at home, very simply and with the guarantee of using quality products, without preservatives, with olive oil and without saturated fats, see here the form: Homemade pasta for empanadas

Masa casera para empanada

The sofrito
Peel and chop the onion into small squares and fry in three tablespoons of oil.
When it is almost done, we add the roasted peppers cut into pieces or strips and the tomato sauce.
We let it be done a little bit all together. We seasoned it with salt and booked it.

Wash and de-skim the slice of salmon and scald it in a broth as follows:

Prepare a broth with water (enough to cover the slice of salmon with it), a bay leaf, a clove of garlic peeled and halved, half onion in pieces, a sprig of thyme, 5 grains of black pepper and A splash (about 50ml) of white wine.
Let it cook the broth for about 15 or 20 minutes. Then we remove it from the fire and let it cool.

When the broth is at room temperature, introduce the slice of salmon (if not covered add a little water). We take it to the fire and at the very moment it starts to boil, we remove it from the fire, we cover it and we leave it like this for 10 or 15 minutes.

Salmón fresco escaldado en caldo corto

I insist that the fish does not have to boil as we would stay dry as the tow. It only has to be heated so that it can then crumble its flesh.

It would be easier to scald it in a little water without more but ... would not be the same.

How to make

Preheat the oven to 180º

With the dough, the sofrito and the salmon already prepared, we assemble the empanada.
To do this, stretch the dough as explained in the entry Mass homemade for empanadas.

Cover half of the dough with the sofrito leaving a free rim

Elaboración de la empanada de salmón fresco

We cover the sofrito with the meat of the crumbled salmon. I also put the skin that previously cleaned of scales since just on the skin is where the salmon accumulates its healthy fat and it does not disturb at all to the palate.

Elaboración de la empanada de salmón fresco

We close the pie by pressing the edges.

Forma de plegar la masa en la empanada

We puncture it with a fork in several places so that the air can leave.

Elaboración de la empanada

We painted it with beaten egg yolk with a spoonful of water or milk.

Elaboración de la empanada

We cook it in a preheated oven at 180º in the center of the oven with heat up and down, for about 40 minutes or until we see it well golden.
It is rich hot, temperate and cold.

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