Cooking Rice On Stove

Many people have asked me how to make white rice. Although it is one of the most popular basic and easy recipes that exist, if you are a beginner, you may not master it.

There are also those who have some experience, but rice never suits them. And this happens because of some mistake in the preparation. There is no such thing as "I have bad hand to make cooked rice".

The technique to learn how to make white rice is very simple. If you follow my instructions to the letter, you will never burn, stick to the pot, or become a sticky mass. Plus, you'll get it ready in just 20 minutes.

At the end of the post, after the recipe, I explain to you what properties and health benefits you have to consume homemade white rice.

Also at the end is the printable version.

Step by step: how to make white rice

The ingredients for 4 servings are:

1 cup white rice
2 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
Any extra ingredient is to flavor and, in this case, we are not going to do it.

The preparation to make white rice is simple and is as it is explained here.

1- Look for a medium pot in good condition to make the rice. Add white rice, 2 cups water, salt and vegetable oil, all at once. Stir a little just once and then.

2- Put the pot on high heat. It will start to boil, perfect, do nothing.

3- After a few minutes (no more than 5), the water will dry completely. When you see this happening, more precisely, when you see that you are about to stop throwing water bubbles on the surface of the rice, lower the fire to a minimum and cover the pot.

In the photo below I show you the exact moment when you must lower the fire and cover:

4- Leave 15 minutes, uncover and test the grain. It should be ready by now. If it is not (remember that some kitchens are less potent), cover again for another 5 minutes. If the kernel is already on, turn off and remove from the burner, this is critically important if your kitchen is electric, the heat could mess it all up.

5 - Ready, you know how to make perfect white rice in 20 minutes. Enjoy it.
No matter what other recipes say. No matter what other people say. This is the easiest way. If you follow these steps, you will learn how to make white rice. It's going to be perfect.

Factors that can make your white rice bad

  • An old pot that will stick to everything. It will not matter here if you know how to make white rice, you could stick whatever you do. Use a good pot whose size is according to the amount of rice you prepare.
  • The kitchen is too strong or too weak. Some electric cookers, even at low heat, may generate a lot of heat. Here the solution is to watch the cooking and remove the rice a little earlier. If the fire is very weak, do the opposite.
  • You distracted yourself and did not lower the fire to the rice when the water dried. This is common, it has happened to me, it can happen to anyone. Stay tuned to your kitchen, just evaporate the water, lower the fire and cover.
  • You forgot to put the oil or you put very little: it will hit you, do not hesitate. Remember the measure, 1 tablespoon per cup of rice.
  • You put a lot or very little water. The correct measure is for 1 cup of rice, 2 of water. If you make 2 cups of rice, they are 4, if you make 3, they are 6 ... Do not disturb this measure for any reason. Do not listen to anyone if they tell you that the proportion should be different.
  • You forgot to put salt in it. The latter can be intentional for many people. Like any recipe, it is something subjective, some put more others less. If you make the mistake of the first, correct for the next.
  • The type / brand of rice you used. There are rice marks that are crap. Grains that are broken, which are never cooked, are broken. Try to buy another one to see.

Important: there are other types of rice that require other techniques, for example the so-called "parboiled rice" or "vaporized rice" in Spanish, requires more cooking time. I do not use it, I do not like it. Buy the traditional.

You will see that with these indications you will have learned how to make white rice. It's going to be perfect.

Refrigerate immediately all the rice that you will not consume. Do not let it cool to room temperature. You can save it from one day to another if you want, no more of that because it starts to get hard, and always in the fridge.

Properties and benefits of white rice

In addition to being an easy recipe, and being one of the best companions for meals, white rice has a number of health benefits that make it one of the most nutritious and important foods you can include in your diet.

Cooked rice is a great source of energy. It is composed of more than 80% easily digestible carbohydrates. When consuming it you will have the fuel that you need for the day to day.
It also has protein (6.5%). If you eat rice, vegetables and some main protein, you will enjoy a very complete meal for your body.

Rice has no gluten. It is perfect for people suffering from celiac disease.

Rice is good for the heart and blood pressure. It has little sodium, almost no cholesterol and only 0.5% fat.

It has little fiber. Boiled white rice is one of the most recommended foods to recover from diarrhea thanks to its astringent action.

Recommended? It is said that it is good to consume white rice home, with little salt (or none) about 3 or 4 times a week. Of course, if you consume more times better. Asian cultures eat it daily and you see how thin they are and how to be in shape.

White rice is healthy. Include it in your daily diet, or weekly, and you will see how it will do you well.

Recipes with white rice

After you know how to make white rice, you can move on to the next step: use it to prepare other recipes. Here are some options:

  • Rice with Peruvian seafood
  • Chinese rice
  • Rice with sausage

You can also learn how to make a rice recipe with chicken, they all love it!

And for dessert? Well, a traditional homemade rice pudding!

Rice: the best companion for other dishes

White rice suits almost any dish. You can make a breast, a meat steak, a pork chop, chicken in sauce, some meatballs in sauce. A whole ration of this delicious homemade rice comes in handy.

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