What Temp To Cook Chicken Breast

Chicken breast fillet is probably pretty much the most popular piece of meat.
But let's be honest: usually, it's much too dry and tough on the plate.
The problem: when frying in the pan (probably the most common method of preparation), the temperature can be difficult to control. Because it should go fast, is roasted at the highest level.
The result: a fibrous, brittle piece of meat that is a good piece away from a real delight to the palate.

This must be better, I thought, and have in the kitchen a bit experimented and in addition to the roast 6 other cooking tested to get the secret to the point of the cooked, tender chicken breast to the trace.The following methods I have tried and evaluated according to everyday life and the cooking results:

Baked Chicken Breast
Fried chicken breast
Boiled chicken breast
Grilled chicken breast
Chicken breast fillet cooked at low temperature
Chicken breast from the Sous-vide-bag Method
Chicken breast from the beefer

One thing straight forward: After my test, I will never cut my chicken breast filet simply into the pan.

The key to success is accurate timing and the right temperature - depending on the cooking method, this can be better or worse control. It is important that the meat is still juicy from the inside, but is nevertheless completely cooked, as chicken meat can not be eaten raw, in contrast to beef or pig meat.

As a principle when cooking chicken breast fillet: The hotter the meat is cooked, the more liquid it loses. Therefore, fingertip sensation is required. Also the texture of the chicken meat changes, the hotter it is prepared.

Baked Chicken Breast

How it works: To cook your chicken breast in the oven, you need a casserole or a roasting tin, butter and baking paper ... and an oven, of course. At a high temperature of 200 ° C, the chicken breast fillet is then baked for 25 to a maximum of 35 minutes. This method of preparation is not particularly low in fat since you can spread the baking dish, the baking paper and the chicken breasts with butter, vegetable oil or butter meal. The added fat ensures taste and protects the meat from the high temperature in the oven.

You have to pay attention: Since the fillet is exposed to such a high temperature in the oven, the baking paper is urgently required to protect it from drying out. If you prepare your chicken breast with skin, you can omit the baking paper because the fat content in the skin protects the fillet enough from the heat.

The best way to cook your meat pieces is to cook them all at the same time. It is important that you grease everything well and place the baking paper directly over the meat so that the shape of the chicken breasts can be seen and there is as little air as possible underneath.

As with all methods, the observance of the cooking times must be strictly adhered to. Therefore, remove your poultry after 30 minutes from the oven and also from the hot casserole to stop the cooking process.

Rating: Chicken breast from the oven does not necessarily mean that it becomes dry. If you are close to the cooking time, a good result can get around. However, each oven tapers slightly differently and thus the exact cooking time can vary from device to device. To prepare super juicy meat, I find this cooking method a bit difficult. Nevertheless, it is beautifully tender. Due to the high temperature in the oven, the texture of the meat changes, so that the easy removal of the liquid makes the fillet easy to fiber, but this is not a bad thing. On the contrary - the texture and also the taste reminded me of a barbecue chicken from my favorite pommesbouw - gorgeous!

Grilled chicken breast

This is how it works: Chicken breast from the grill is of course in the forefront with it. When you grill with charcoal, the meat gets a delicious smoky aroma and the high, dry heat up to 300 ° C ensures that a crispy crust is produced. Grilling has the advantage of being able to cook without additional fat and to create a particularly smoky flavor through the fire. After only a few minutes your meat is ready and can be plastered. Alternatively, you can also prepare it on the gas grill or in a grill pan, but the special aroma of the charcoal is missing.

You have to pay attention: The chicken breast is exposed to very high heat during grilling so it can become very dry very quickly. It is therefore important that you flatten them beforehand so that they have an even thickness everywhere. This is the only way to cook at the same time in all places, without a part already too dry and another, thicker part still half raw. In addition, you should take it after a few minutes from the grill grate or over indirect heat, so that it does not become tough. It is also recommended to marinate the meat for a few hours. The flavors can then feed into the meat fibers as long as it is still raw. Already grilled meat is no longer good for taste.

Rating: With this type of preparation the fillet takes on an unmistakable, smoky taste, which is otherwise not so noticeable. Especially in the summer to baguette and salad tasted really good. However, it is only rarely juicy and tender, because the strong heat of the grill is difficult to regulate.

Fried chicken breast

How it works: When roasting, your chicken breast is very hot. The grease in the pan assumes temperatures between 160 and 200 ° C, so the cooking time is particularly important with this method. It is important to find the best combination of cooking time and temperature so that the desired core temperature of your meat is reached with as little as possible and only a short overheating of the outside areas. There is a strong temperature gradient during frying, as the outer layer of meat is directly exposed to strong heat. If it is outside, it takes a little more time to get the right core temperature. The outside of the chest becomes hotter and therefore drier.

You have to pay attention: It is important that you lightly flatten your meat so that it can cook evenly. For frying, it is best to use butter-lard or sunflower oil as other vegetable oils such as olive oil or even butter burn more quickly. In order to avoid the drying out of your chicken breasts, the precise timing at the correct temperature is therefore indispensable. Heat your fat in medium to high heat. Your evenly thick fillets should you then spicy from each side a maximum of 4-5 minutes. It is best to use an uncoated frying pan, which can be used to form roast aromas and the important crust, which protects the meat against excessive drying.

Rating: This cooking method proves to be difficult when it comes to preparing beautiful juicy, not tough meat. The fat in the pan not to get too hot and the meat exactly at the right moment from the pan to take, not always succeed. Due to the strong heat supply, the chicken breast is dry in most cases, until it is even from the inside and also the connective tissue becomes fibrous. If it is to go fast at noon, for example. But this is the best way to taste your salad.

Boiled chicken breast

Here's how it works: If you care about the calorie intake in your diet, you should cook your chicken breast best, as no additional fat is needed for this cooking method. This type of preparation, in which the meat completely simmered with water, is particularly gentle since a heat supply of not more than 100 ° C is not exceeded. The constant, rather low temperature ensures that the meat, other than e.g. When roasting, is uniformly cooked from the inside and the outside without temperature drops. Added flavorings such as wine, broth, garlic or fresh herbs lend the chicken breast flavor.

You have to pay attention: since you do not fire your meat with this method of cooking, there are no roasting aromas that give it extra flavor. It is therefore important to season the meat sufficiently. If you cook the chicken breast only in water, the result is rather bland. Unfortunately, the meat, besides its taste, also gives off some of its valuable nutrients to the cooking water. So if you prepare a soup or a stew on the basis of the cooking water, you will not lose it. Otherwise, you can use the water as a base for a delicious sauce. It is important that you bring the chicken meat out of the water after 8 to 12 minutes, so as not to overpower it.

Rating: The meat becomes beautifully juicy and tender. It tastes like the flavors that have been added to the cooking water, but the taste of the chicken breast goes back into the background. Due to the loss of the chicken taste and some nutrients, I believe that this cooking method is particularly suitable when the meat and boiling water are used for a soup or a stew. One advantage is that you can cook large amounts of chicken breast quite quickly.

Chicken breast fillet cooked at low temperature

This is how it works: When you brew, the chicken breast is not subjected to high temperatures (60 to the max. 80 ° C), but the cooking time is prolonged. The water bound in meat is released at 50 ° C. The hotter you cook, the more liquid you lose the fillet. The connective tissue of the meat changes from 70 ° C so that it becomes softer with increasing temperature. The cooking time depends on the thickness of the meat and is between 15 and 20 minutes for chicken breast fillet.

You have to pay attention: To make aromatic roasts, you should first fry the meat in a pot for a short time in hot fat. Make sure you do not saute the fillets on one side for more than a minute. It is also important that you turn the chicken breasts directly, reduce the heat supply and cover the pot with a lid. In this case, do not lift the lid between the lid and look for the meat. For the perfect core temperature, it is very important that a constant temperature is maintained in the pot.

Rating: Schongaren takes the place of the roast, but avoids an uneven heat supply and thus the drying of the chicken breast. It costs a little more time in the preparation and requires patience not to look in the pot, but the result is worth it! 20 minutes is an acceptable cooking time for everyday life, where you can prepare your other ingredients. The meat has light roast aromas by the short frying and is very tender and juicy, despite the slight flesh fibers. Small tip: You can easily simmer it for more spice before. Add the meat for 15 minutes in cold salt water with any spices, drain, dab and finish.

Chicken breast from the Sous-vide-bag Method

This is how it works: "Sous vide" is French and means "under vacuum". In this type of preparation, the meat is cooked in airtight plastic bags at very low temperatures between 60 and 70 ° C. in a water bath. The low temperature requires a cooking time of at least 2 hours, ensuring that the core temperature is high enough and the meat can be consumed without any health concerns. Due to the vacuum, the chicken breast fillet does not lose any liquid and thus remains particularly juicy. The low, constant temperature ensures uniform cooking of the whole fillet.

You have to pay attention to this: With the Sous-vide cooking, you can precisely determine the texture and succulence of your chicken breast. At 60 ° C and 2 hours cooking time it becomes particularly juicy - no meat fibers are formed. This consistency is obtained with no other cooking method. Then the meat is best suited to be served hot. If you prefer to eat your fillet cold in a salad, you should cook it at 70 ° C for 2 hours. The tissue of the chicken breast is minimized but remains incomparably soft and juicy. Under vacuum, spices unfold much more strongly than under normal conditions. Therefore, you should be careful not to over-season the meat.

Rating: This cooking method requires good planning and lots of time. If you have this time, however, it is worthwhile to cook with a Sous-vide-device. The meat is indescribably tender and juicy. If the chicken breast is too pale (it is very light/white after cooking), you can fry it briefly for a maximum of 1 minute per side in the pan. Another advantage is that you just have to vacuum the fillets and set the device. The rest runs all by itself. After two hours you take it out of the water bath and enjoy it. One drawback is that this cooking method is not suitable for everyday life. Who have two hours to prepare his food for lunch? Nevertheless: highly recommended!

Chicken breast from the beefer

How it works: The Beefer is what real meat fans. At the extremely high heat of up to 800 ° C, the meat gets a particularly crisp crust. The unit is heated by gas and works exclusively with superheat. Thus, the exiting liquid of the chicken breast does not come into contact with the flame and does not evaporate or burn, but is caught in the gastro dish underneath the grate, and can e.g. For a sauce. The chicken meat is then "stewed" from each side for 4 minutes and gets a special, smoky aroma.

You have to pay attention: chicken breast has a very low-fat content so it can dry out very quickly. It is important to place the fillets on the bottom grate so that they are as far away as possible from the burner. Also in this cooking method, you should flatten the pieces of meat best, so that they are equally thick and can cook evenly. The very short cooking time is indispensable for this kind of preparation. If you leave the meat only 1 minute too long in the beefer, it becomes completely tough and dry.

Rating: If you're a real barbecue and meat fan, the beef should be your home. However, you can use the device even better with large, particularly thick steaks of the beef or the pig. Since you can not consume chicken meat raw, the special cooking advantage of the beef (outside crisp, inside pink to rare) is not so important. It gives the breast filet a great aroma, but by the enormous heat, it becomes quickly a bit brittle.

Conclusion: The winning cooking method (s)

After I've tried all these cooking methods, I've got a clear result - or two: there are a taste and an everyday winner.

The chicken breast fillet is definitely the juiciest and delicious when you prepare it in the Sous-vide-Garer. The delicacy of the flesh and the intensity of the taste can not be beaten with any other cooking method. No matter if it was simply cooked in a vacuum with lemon, garlic, and laurel or afterward still lightly - chicken breast fillet from the Sous-Vide-Garer should have tasted every time.

My winning method for everyday life is cooking at low temperature. It does not require any special equipment, costs only 20 minutes and the meat gets a light, crisp crust by briefly frying and becomes evenly juicy-tender. The good cooking result is definitely worth the small amount of time in my eyes. Because the flash variant comes from the pan in terms of succulence.

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