How To Cook Fresh Green Beans

Green beans are low in calories and provide zinc, magnesium, potassium and B vitamins. Phasin, however, contains a protein which produces stomach and throat problems. We give tips on how to cook the vegetables and render the poisonous phasine harmless.

Cooking destroys the harmful protein phasine

Phasin is a harmful protein that can harm your health: Consume green beans raw, which can lead to gastrointestinal problems. The pods should, therefore, boil at least 10 to 15 minutes. To destroy the harmful substance. Buy the frozen fruits, they are already pre-cooked, the phasin is already harmless here. The same is true for beans in preserves or glasses.

Cook the pods properly

To cook the pods, cut both ends. Find threads along the bean, remove them as well. Now you can cut the green bean to the desired length. When cooking, you should cook thick and thin pod fruits for different lengths. The cooking time of 15 minutes is the maximum. Small and delicate pods should be cooked for a maximum of 10 minutes.

For an appetizing green

Before you put the green beans for cooking in the pot, either add a teaspoon of baking soda or soda into the water. So the beans are also appetizingly green after cooking. In addition, a professional cook prepares the green beans in ice water after cooking. Due to the quenching, the pods do not cook any further and remain not only full green but also crisp. To increase the flavor, add olive oil or butter to the cooking water. Even if you boil the green pod fruit for a long time, it still contains blowing agents. The professional add coriander, caraway or bean. It is easier to digest.

Buy the threefold amount of thick beans

Thick beans are a good source of fiber, B vitamins, and minerals. When they're young, they can even eat them raw. Unlike other beans, they do not contain the toxic amino acid stains, explains the association Slow Food Germany. Later thick beans taste but Mealy and must be freed from the sleeve. In this case, consumers should buy three to four times the amount in the prescription. The thick shell and white seed skin put a lot of weight on the scales.

For example, a frittata tastes delicious: For this, thick beans, fresh peas in the pod and bar beans are cooked in some vegetable broth. In the meantime, the eggs are sprinkled with a pinch of salt and pepper and grated Parmesan. Finally, add the vegetables to the eggs and pour them into a pan. With the lid, the whole is allowed to stand for about six minutes at low heat and then fry the frittata from the other side.

Definition of: phasine
(fā′sēn, -sin) noun Biochem. 
A poisonous substance isolated as a white amorphous powder from soya and certain other beans: it acts as a strong agglutinating agent on the red blood cells of man and other animals. Also pha′sin (-sin). [<NL Phas(eolus), a genus of beans (<L, a kidney bean, dim. of phaseolus <Gk. phasēlos, a kind of bean) + -INE2]

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