Beef Wellington Recipe

The Wellington Sirloin is one of the great classics of the cuisine, quoted as being of English origin, known as Beef Wellington. It is not very clear its origin, nor determines when it was created, some argues that it is a recipe that to honor Arthur Wellesley (first Duke of Wellington), and who assures that it was a cook who elaborated a variant of the Beef in French crust during the Napoleonic Wars. In any case, the Wellington sirloin recipe has been extended and has been adopted in many countries.

The recipe is very easy to do although something entertaining, its composition is the sirloin of veal wrapped in a duxelles and puff pastry. It is done in the oven and the result is elegant, so and by the quality and price of the main raw material, it is a festive dish. There are many variants of Wellington sirloin recipe, it can be aromatised with different aromatic herbs or spices, enrich with foie gras or bacon ... Below you can see how to make Wellington sirloin steak with an easy recipe and explained step by step.

Duxelles is a finely chopped mixture of mushrooms or mushroom stems, onions or shallots, and herbs such as thyme, parsley and black pepper, saute in butter and reduced to a paste. Wikipedia

Foie gras is a luxury food product made of the liver of a duck or goose that has been specially fattened. Wikipedia

INGREDIENTS (4 diners)

800 grams of veal sirloin or beef fillet, 2 c/s approx. of mustard to the white wine (or the one you like), black pepper, salt, extra virgin olive oil, 1 sheet of puff pastry, 1 egg.

For the Duxelles
500 grams of mushrooms, 140 grams of shallot, 100 grams of sweet white wine, c/n extra virgin olive oil (or butter), freshly ground black pepper, thyme, fresh parsley, salt.

How to cook

To start you have to prepare the duxelles, you have time to rest. To do this, put a non-stick skillet with extra virgin olive oil to poach the shallots, previously peeled and minced in the mincer. While the shallots are also chopped mushrooms, once they are well cleaned and dried, also in the mincer (in the complement of the mixer by batches or in Themomix)

When the shallot begins to take color, it incorporates the mushrooms, pepper to taste, also adds the thyme and raises the fire to take temperature and the mushrooms release their water. Move the mushrooms with the spatula while cooking so that they are done evenly (you can see a step by step in the Duxelles recipe).

Once the mushrooms are dry, wet with the wine and simmer until you return to obtain a paste of dense mushrooms, like a dough then try in case it is necessary to rectify salt or pepper and add the chopped parsley. Give him a couple more laps, remove from the fire and let it cool. Reserve in the fridge.

Clean the sirloin of the fat you may have and put to heat a frying pan or griddle to brown in all its contour, pepper to taste previously. Once golden, remove to a plate and reserve.

On a transparent film sheet the duxelles, you have to make a homogeneous bed with this pate and then wrap the sirloin, you can help with a spatula or tongue. The width of the bed of duxelles must be like the length of the sirloin and the length must be able to encompass all its contour, and the moderate thickness (may be a bit leftover).

Place the sirloin in the center of the Duxelles and join it with the mustard, then fold one side pulling the film to wrap first half sirloin, remove the film down and repeat the operation with the other side, covering the entire surface of the sirloin. Wrap the sirloin with the film, pressing lightly and let it rest in the fridge to take a half hour.

Spread the puff pastry on the work table, paint with beaten egg all the contour of the puff pastry (the four edges) and place the sirloin in the center. Wrap with the puff pastry and cut off the excess dough from the sides, leaving the right to close. The union of the puff pastry will rest on the oven tray (covered with vegetable paper or a cooking cloth) remaining at the bottom.

With the cuts of the puff pastry you can make a nice decoration, you can also make some superficial cuts in the puff pastry (chiqueter), very careful not to cut it at all, to give a decorative look that will be appreciated after baking.

Paint the puff pastry with beaten egg, add a few salt scales (optional) and it in the preheated oven to 200ºc C with heat up and down, and lower the temperature to 180º C. Bake for 20-25 minutes, until the puff pastry is lightly browned and crispy.

The Wellington veal sirloin can be served whole on the table to make it look, and then cut into portions for each diner. It is a very strong main course, so if you want to accompany with a garnish, make it light, salad or some vegetables. The protagonist is the sirloin, will conquer your diners. Bon Appetit!

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